Add a system where your friend can’t queue to your game

Adding this not queue system will be easy for content creators and for people that want to not get sniped by there friends by pressing join server on the friends menu. Adding it to /toggles Friend Queue or Friend Join Server. I’m tired of my friend sniping me every game but he is my friend I temporarily unfriended him. I would be cool to see that.

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Yes, this is definitely needed. You have my vote!


It makes sense, but maybe add a few tweaks? Like, maybe in the Social Menu you can have a toggle setting labelled “Do Not Disturb Mode” which would essentially do what you’re suggesting


Bump bc with /toggles you can appear offline and people can not join your game. Not bumping bc I want this added, bumping bc you can kind of already do this.

streamers when the person paying them kills them in block game



this would just remove all purpose of being friends with someone other then easy party / cs invites but you can do those things anyway

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