Add a gamemode similar to Among Us

Hello there! This is just a suggestion in my mind and my opinion. And I personally believe there should not be an exact copy of this game, but Hive could use a few elements of the game and combine them with the Murder Mystery we have today.*

Lately, a game has been going off similar to Murder Mystery but with a twist, you get to vote who the murderer is and also have the ability to do certain tasks with limitations such as power cuts similar to the game.

In my opinion, this would give the player base a new taste to the game mode of Murder Mystery.

Keep in mind that this is just my opinion and what I think, you are also free to discuss your ideas as well!

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The Hive is not going to straight up copy an entire game :confused:
Additionally, we have Murder Mystery, which is practically the same gameplay concept as that as Among Us.


It doesn’t have to be an exact copy, it could take a few elements and implement it on their current game modes, Among Us is wildly different from traditional murder mystery hence why it blew up compared to other murder mystery games.

No. Please no.

This would literally defeat the whole purpose of MM. I mean, it’s called Murder Mystery for a reason; it’s a MYSTERY about who the murderer is. You’re not supposed to instantly know who is what. Sorry but, I wouldn’t want my favorite game on the Hive turning out to be this. This could also make a lot of other players quit the game because they all like the original idea that the Hive originally came up with, and they just wouldn’t want to play a version of Murder Mystery that doesn’t even involve the whole mystery part to it.

Sorry, but that’s just me.

If you want to play Among Us, then just get the actual game. As stated before, the Hive already has MM which is generally the same thing



Or add a option for kill cooldowns in cs for MM

So, yeah, as mentioned it’s pretty similar to Murder Mystery, though I understand where you’re coming from with slight differences. However, we have a game on Java called Trouble in Mineville, which is very similar to Among Us, minus the tasks. When we added Murder to Java, it all but died because the two games were similar enough that the community got quite split.

We would be unlikely to add an Among Us-style game for the same reason we never added Trouble in Mineville to Bedrock - Having two games on the server that are so similar causes a divide in which one people want to play. So, sadly, we’re very unlikely to add this.