Ability to report people in murder mystery

When I was playing on my Nintendo switch I was the murderer and I was playing on the village map I had killed everyone except 1 person and they was on top of a tree and there was no way to get up there.


Well I think I know a way to get on a tree that seems “impossible”, I’ve been to a few Murder Mystery CS’s before and have seen people on a tree (not trying to be rude), but IDK what tree your talking about so I might be wrong.

But apart from that, It’s a pretty good idea! but theres isn’t that much to report other then people other then nocliping through glass panes (IDK if there’s anymore since I don’t play MM anymore).

Is there any way to get on top of the trees next to the ice?

IDK, since I don’t main MM, that was only in a few CS’s.

Was it on the Village map? (The winter LTM?)

If so, then yes, you can

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