Ability to know when the deaths are near you

This wand will be your inventory in deathrun, it will be on the 2nd last slot in your inventory next to your visibility toggle. When you’re holding this, it will show you if the deaths are near you or not (It will say on top of your inventory). The distance will be 1 trap behind and 1 trap ahead of you, this would mean the runners are more aware of when their in danger. if you’re in a game of deathrun, when you’re holding this wand in your inventory it would tell you that 1 death is near you, whether they are at the last trap you went by, or the trap ahead of you, just to be curious and aware. What do you think of the suggestion?

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Sounds like a good idea but for when it shows where the deaths are maybe should be by colour and that it doesn’t have to be in your hand because it can be difficult switching from leap to the wand on mobile. This is just my opinion.

Also love the wand design you made.


Hey there! I do think it would be interesting to have this item as a runner, but I feel like it would be giving a slight advantage to the runners being able to know where the deaths could possibly be. Although it wouldn’t be much of an issue to see the death one trap in front of you for mobile players I see it being more difficult for them to see behind them one trap. It could also make it so the deaths do have a harder time getting kills and gaining xp if the runners are able to see where they are through a “tracker”. Overall I think it’s a good idea and we will have to see what others think :slight_smile:

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I like this idea it would make the game more interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

What I would do would be a little different, I would add in the upper right foot next to the timer a square that is red, orange or green depending on the trap you are going through, so you do not have to look at the glass, if you are not in a trap appear. (Translated from Spanish)

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