A way to Make Voting Fair

If this is a duplicate, I will be sad, I checked the whole “Suggestions-Just Build” category.

In order to make voting fair, I think a way to do it is to have it so that half of the points you give are added to your score (rounded down to remove decimals). So, for example, if you give 2 loves, your score will get 5 points added on, 3 goods, and you get 4 points (4.5 rounded down), 6 mehs, and you get 3 points.

I think this could balance out voting, without making somebody that gave all loves instantly win. Thanks for attending my TED talk!

EDIT: After reading some replies, I think it could be capped at 25 points, because the person that gives all loves, even with it only being half, would instantly win.

2nd Edit: Instead of a cap of 25 points (read previous edit) have a cap of 10 that way there isn’t love spam OR meh spam.

but if you vote all love, you get what… 80 points? (16 ppl in a game)

thats broken

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it would be 40 (you get half of the points added) but that’s still kinda broken… maybe put a cap on it…?

Welcome to the forums! :cake:

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